From the trademark friendliness of Barbadians, to their colourful and engaging accent, here are 10 reasons why you should move to Barbados – Part. 2:
6. Friendly People
Everywhere you go in Barbados you are likely to be greeted by “good morning”, “good afternoon” or “good night” depending on the time of day. Barbadians are an inherently friendly and polite people. This is good news for persons relocating to Barbados as friendships can be quite easily formed with locals and fellow expatriates alike.
7. Bustling Nightlife
St. Lawrence Gap, Barbados
For a country of only 166 square miles, Barbados has an extremely active nightlife with hundreds of pubs, clubs and restaurants spread across its eleven parishes. The main concentration of nightclubs can be found in and around St. Lawrence Gap where highlights include Ol’ Jamm Inn and The Cove Night Club. Other favourite night time activities include historic dinner shows and romantic cruises.
8. Colourful Language
The official language of Barbados is English. However, for the uninitiated, the engaging lilt of the Barbadian tongue can be difficult to decipher at first. Don’t worry – soon you’ll become familiar with the nuances and phrases such as “Wha gine on” (Translation: How are you?) will quickly become mainstays in your vocabulary.
9. Parties and Festivals
Crop Over in Barbados via
Barbados is home to Crop Over – “The Sweetest Summer Festival” – a massive five week-long festival featuring an exciting mix of live music, parties, craft markets, art exhibitions and more. Other festivals in Barbados include the historic Holetown Festival held in January and the hugely popular Barbados Food & Wine and Rum Festival held every November featuring the best local and international chefs.
10. Natural Wonders
Limestone Hills at Chalky Mount, St. Andrew
An island oasis of contradictions, Barbados’ calm and turquoise beaches can give way to limestone hills and staggering rock formations in the blink of an eye. The island’s must-see natural wonders include Harrison’s Cave, Animal Flower Cave and Welchman Hall Gully.
Read: 10 Reasons Why You Should Move to Barbados – Part. 1
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